⭕We should focus on the plastic responsible use and reverse logistic

⭕We should focus on the plastic responsible use and reverse logistic

⭕We should focus on the plastic responsible use and reverse logistic

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Circular Plastic Alliance aims at reaching 10 millions tonnes of recycled content on the EU market by 2025, the EU Single-Use Plastic Directive requires to integrate 25% recycled plastic (recycled content) by 2025 in PET bottles and 30% by 2030 in all types beverage bottles and the EU Plastic Strategy aims to make all plastic packaging recyclable or reusable by 2030.


#circulareconomy #plastics #savetheplanet #zerowaste

About The Author

Dedicated to the Marketing and Sales areas with a holistic vision of the business, incorporating the leadership and management 3.0 of people as the main engines of their strategies

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